Double Village
Double Village is the exhibition catalogue tittle. Double Village opened in 2013, and presents photographic work of the authors concerning the moving and resettling processes of Luz village and its population as a result of the transformations brought about by the…

Jellyfish · Citizenship Congress · Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation · mp
Presented at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (Lisbon), Alforrreca no Charco (“Jellyfish in pool”) participates in the Citizenship Congress. Rupture and Utopia for the Next Democratic Revolution lineup, with other works, by Rogério Paulo Silva and Henrique Vieira Ribeiro, among others. 13-14 March 2015,…

Estranged trees · series
Estranged Trees series Estranged Trees is about creating (en)strange(d) images of trees, rendered strange, using traditional black and white photography practices. The aim is to question our colonising relationship with nature and landscape, where, to simplify natural complexity, we impose…

Luísa Ferreira – “In search of another body”, Photography, São Brás, until Oct. 2014
À PROCURA DE UM OUTRO CORPO (“In search of another body” [free translation]) is a surprising photography exhibition that resulted from the photographer’s contact (in 1992) with a collection of sculptures by two local artists, Rosalina Passos e Joaquim Passos,…

On my street – jacarandas
Here is a photograph of the jacarandas in bloom on D. Carlos I Avenue in Lisbon, a reply to a post by photographer Luísa Ferreira on the same subject.Its always a challenge to photograph the things we know from everyday…

Until “Camera Lucida” 1961-1980, on Barthes
In the Photographic Message (1961), Roland Barthes approaches photography from Semiology, through denotative and connotative codes, the latter necessarily bound to culture. “Signification is a dialectic process that solves the contradiction between natural and cultural man”. In this process the paradox…

paisagem estranha entranha – site online
The site for the paisagem estranha entranha project is online. We chose English as the site language. Each instance, or appearance, of the project builds on the previous ones. Here is a link to paisagem-estranha-entranha, enjoy!

Terra Cinza multimedia
Terra cinza multimedia resulted from a collaborative action, based on the initial Terra cinza work. Armando Ribeiro (The Chroniclers) edited the original version of the work, Pedro Gomes Marques selected David Shea’s song Giton’s theme. David contributed his music to this multimedia piece. The original work is…