
António Ferro · word vertigo · by Margarida Acciaiuoli

António Ferro a vertigem da palavra – word vertigo – , by Margarida Acciaiuoli, is a book about the rhetoric, politics and propaganda of the Estado Novo before and after the 2nd World War. Bizâncio Editora, Lisbon. Photograph of the Assembly of the…

Cut, shuffle, deal

Cut, shuffle, deal is the name of this work, part of Emergir – identity specific, an installation/exhibition presented by Maria Tomás (installation), Miguel Proença (multimedia), and Cristina Azevedo Tavares (curator)  at the Casa dos Gessos do  Museu Militar de Lisboa (…

Skenographia 3d

The term “Skenographia” is based on an ancient painting practice. Ancient Greece gave us the idea of sculpture as a possibility; a possibility of representation. Representation that in its perfect state gains life, becomes human. The Greeks also developed a system…

Corrosion by light

Corrosion by light (t. of Corrosão pela luz) is the working tittle for this process that explores the photographic self portrait genre approaching a cognitive frontier. It was initially presented in postcard format (10x15cm) at the 2007 initiativa-X at Arte Contempo a Lisbon…

Milano · Miguel Proença

Milano vista da Miguel Proença Invitation for the exhibition Milano vista da Miguel Proença, at  “Le Biciclette” gallery, Milan, 18th July 2001. This exhibition resulted from over a year collaboration with the local guide “Free Milano Magazine”. The exhibition included…

UK in the 70s · Boarding school

UK in the 70s is a group of photographs whilst living as a student in England; first in boarding school and later at an art school to pursue a UK photographer training. Getting sent to an English boarding school in …